Saturday, June 11, 2011

tenses in english grammar chart

images This tense is often used tenses in english grammar chart. English+tenses+chart+in+
  • English+tenses+chart+in+

  • Macaca
    06-18 10:51 AM
    Please post your concerns in Employment Based (EB) Skilled Immigration Applicants (

    wallpaper English+tenses+chart+in+ tenses in english grammar chart. English Tenses Timeline Chart
  • English Tenses Timeline Chart

  • kumar1
    03-12 05:03 PM
    Received an email from CRIS yesterday. They have issued a FRE on my I-485. I can not think of anything. My immigration history is clean, no status issues, ever. I remember submitting all the docs during July fiasco. I am waiting for the actual RFE letter to arrive.

    Only good part is - there is someone "OUT THERE" who looked at my file.

    tenses in english grammar chart. tenses chart in english.
  • tenses chart in english.

  • kaisersose
    06-10 12:04 PM
    One word answer:


    So AC21 and visa recapture happened without anyone trying for it.

    They increased quota of H1B, did AC21 because it was a market demand.
    Now the economy is down, there are elections, jobless rate is high............ so think why will they increase h1B quota or greencard quota? What is the incentive for government?

    I have always held that asking for quota increase is a bad idea and will not happen.

    Visa recapture is the best bet and even that appears to be a hassle as there are many factions opposing it.

    2011 English Tenses Timeline Chart tenses in english grammar chart. tenses chart in english.
  • tenses chart in english.

  • go_guy123
    02-24 01:20 PM
    Dont assume that people who gone back to India and working a manager are living happily without any issues.
    One of my friends whome I used to work in 2005 was promoted to manager in 2007. Now he is in a dilemma whether to continue to go up the ladder or come back doing technical stuff. Salary wise he is not getting that much and he doesnt know how the company will do infuture. It all depends on US economy. If you are looking for 18L above salary, then it is very very tough to get a job in india.

    Very coreect can forget career growth in India without a MBA degree.


    tenses in english grammar chart. tenses chart in english.
  • tenses chart in english.

  • polapragada
    09-14 05:45 PM
    Keep aside porting the PD between EB3 to EB2.
    Just try this

    Say, you wanted to buy tickets to a show or travel, there are more than one counter which is issuing tickets. You have to choose some line at random. Obviously like the people Pallavi79 choose a line which is shorter in length. After some time person observed that other line is moving fast so wanted to jump to that line. Thats fine. If you try to jump into middle of the other line based on your time entered into 1st line. If you are demanding the position...Think the situation??

    And after some time if you see EB3 row is runnign fast you will jump back there? Is this a game you think??

    tenses in english grammar chart. english tenses chart
  • english tenses chart

  • indianindian2006
    05-03 10:14 PM
    This is The call
    Don't miss the chance

    IV and We suceeded in July, 2 Year EAD and many more ...

    Pls pick up the phone and do your bit

    IV is YOU and is Your Best Friend

    Sure buddy,

    did my part twice.....



    tenses in english grammar chart. past continuous tense and the
  • past continuous tense and the

  • santb1975
    05-29 12:30 AM
    Let us keep going forward

    2010 tenses chart in english. tenses in english grammar chart. This tense is often used
  • This tense is often used

  • eb3_nepa
    07-16 11:59 AM
    I am not seeing a lot of action today. Do we have any more members who want to take part in the action?

    Common people, we NEED this campaign to be a continuous success. :)


    tenses in english grammar chart. tenses chart in english.
  • tenses chart in english.

  • srikondoji
    08-02 04:08 PM
    This was answered in the trail of threads following the first post. However for the benefit of all, i updated the original post.
    Please refer back to it.

    Any updates for TSC who sent their applications to NSC??

    hair tenses chart in english. tenses in english grammar chart. tenses chart in english.
  • tenses chart in english.

  • franklin
    09-28 08:57 PM
    But I think franklin posted earlier that she got her GC when the priority dates are not current. And shows about 5 EB3s from India got approvals during September whos PDs are on or after 2003.Do you think USCIS might have requested the visa number for their cases when their PD was current?

    Theory 1: I got assigned a visa number as soon as my case arrived at USCIS in early June.

    Theory 2: Spend as much time talking to lawmakers and reporters as I do, they want to shut that squeaky wheel up.

    I like Theory 2 best :)

    I would say, however, just because a handful of applications have been speedy, I don't see any systematic changes that mean everyone's will be.


    tenses in english grammar chart. tenses chart in english. English+tenses+chart+in+; English+tenses+chart+in+
  • tenses chart in english. English+tenses+chart+in+; English+tenses+chart+in+

  • addsf345
    11-13 03:42 PM
    found answer on Ron Gotcher's website: ONE CAN CONTUNUE WORKING ON EAD ( according to this post.

    This contradicts with the fact that many reported on IV. Ron says that one can continue employment on EAD. EAD stays valid atleast till the legally allowed time to file for an appeal, and once you file appeal, it stays active till it adjudicated.

    However many ppl reported that they had to leave job due to 485 revocation. What is the truth???? Any one?

    hot tenses chart in english. tenses in english grammar chart. tenses chart in english. English+tenses+table; English+tenses+table
  • tenses chart in english. English+tenses+table; English+tenses+table

  • jai_immigration
    10-21 06:46 PM
    Folks I sent email to this address as stated "", got bounced back saying it as a wrong email. Does nay one know the correct email to send USCIS complaints to?

    You have emailed an inactive account.
    If you are inquiring about the status of documentation you have filed with USCIS, or have a complaint relating generally to the nature of the customer service you have been provided by USCIS, please use our National Customer Service phone number 1-800-375-5283 or visit our website at

    If you are a CIS employee and wish to file a complaint regarding credible allegations of criminal misconduct or of very serious misconduct by a USCIS employee, guidance can be found online at htttp:// Credible allegations of minor but significant misconduct should be reported directly to the office where you believe they may have occured.


    house english tenses chart tenses in english grammar chart. tenses chart in english. ENGLISH TENSES TIMELINE CHART
  • tenses chart in english. ENGLISH TENSES TIMELINE CHART

  • ashutrip
    06-18 12:57 PM
    I emailed them not as me but as my employer( point of contact mentioned in the labor petition) and it works they send me a copy of the labor approval to my house along with a copy to my employer and one to my attroney. It really works.
    what is your pd?

    tattoo english tenses chart tenses in english grammar chart. English Grammar Tenses
  • English Grammar Tenses

  • mdmd10
    07-24 04:03 PM
    After all sardarji can make a joke:D

    Please refrain from making comments like that! You have no right to stereotype folks. Please remain objective in the discussions.


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  • english tenses table

  • Mouns
    04-30 02:57 PM
    OK so they are all happy. We don't know why the backlogs or what is being done to address that. Damn it!

    dresses tenses chart in english. English+tenses+table; English+tenses+table tenses in english grammar chart. tenses chart in english.
  • tenses chart in english.

  • 9years
    09-13 02:08 PM
    I am not promoted. I believe my case is based on my MS + couple of years exp. All these details are what ever I know. Please seek expert attorney advice. I think attorney knows better based on our situation.


    makeup tenses chart in english. tenses in english grammar chart. english tenses chart
  • english tenses chart

  • H1B-GC
    02-07 09:25 AM
    sorry to hear your situation 007! hope things work out for you in time. You could also consider heading home and having someone mail it to you once its received. just an option not sure what your situation is as far how far from approval etc etc

    A Person cannot Travel before the AP gets Approved.If you do, means Abandoning your GC forever. Please be careful before you advise anyone on these critical issues.

    girlfriend English Grammar Tenses tenses in english grammar chart. tenses chart in english.
  • tenses chart in english.

  • pmpforgc
    03-05 10:42 PM
    For all the replies to my post. I understand that there are many others in the same situation I am in, who can understand and feel the injustices of this process.

    I understand that we made personal choices and we have to take responsibility for our actions, if something is clear is that h1-B is a NON-EMIGRANT visa. I just wish there was more transparency from the USA government when it comes to apply for PR through employment. The backlogs and collapse of the system, only reflect the lack of interest in solving the problem which in my opinion it's also a reflection of the lack of interest in having any more skilled professionals coming to the US.

    Most of the participants in this forum are from India. I appreciate your insights and wisdom, you are well known for being spiritual people who work hard through hardships in life. Many of you have left here important advices and I am grateful for that.

    Personally I have done my best to live a life outside this green card ordeal. I have moved on trying to live a normal life without being obsessed with this problem, but as most of you know, reality hits quite often and we are reminded of the limitations that our legal position imposes, more often than not.

    I am only regret the rude comment of somebody who replied saying " Give up something you don't have? Live a life". It's true I don't have anything to give up and that is the sad part of all this process. I have invested thousands of dollars from my own pocket, gone under distress and suffered the unfairness of the system in exchange of nothing. Yet.

    Thanks for your feedback, and good luck to all you. I hope that someday in the future people from my country, or any country for that matter, wont be forced to leave their families and friends behind because of unbearable live conditions we face.

    Just wanted to highlight two sentence from your post, which are contradictory. You yourself said we made personal choice. so it is hard to belive any one is forced to immmigrate from their home country and get away from their family against their own wish. That is only possible if you immigrated or came here as minor and your parents/adopters made those choices for you, which you did not like. But as i understand from you posts, you applied your own H1B, so I assume it was not against yours wishes. And also in your first post you already mentioned that when you first came here your family was very happy for you. So I assume at that time no one from you or your family were worried about UNBEARABLE Living Conditions in US that WE FACE?

    hairstyles tenses chart in english. English+tenses+chart+in+; English+tenses+chart+in+ tenses in english grammar chart. english tense chart the
  • english tense chart the

  • willwin
    04-01 11:53 AM
    If the system is flawed, any effort to work it out to get things done would seem incompetent and inefficient. First off, this guessing game by USCIS of estimating visa applications and asking for visa numbers from DHS is so neondartal and ridiculous.

    Process must be automated and centralized to eliminate any human intervention in performing guesstimates. A pool of visas must be made available in the system and must remain available for the next year to be carried over if needs be. That would eliminate pressure on officials to play the game in the dark and rush like maniacs at the end of the fiscal year to catch frogs!

    With all the revenue and system they have, do you think this is so tough to streamline? I doubt.

    They can, at the minimum, have the cases in sequence, process per FIFO, control PD movements logically. The minimum they can do, easily.

    11-14 06:02 PM
    They highly receommended that people should maintain H1 status as much as possible until the GC process is fully complete.

    Regarding EAD they said
    . it is a blanket work authorization but you should watch for expiry date and maintain its continuity to keep working.
    . interestingly to Murthy's surprise, the EAD has been extended by USCIS even if a MTR is pending. This is unusual as there is no written word about it and preciously USCIS used to deny EAD extensions.
    . AOS is authorized stay even if your EAD expries. You are not out of status with EAD expiry but you must renew it ASAP.
    . They said "You are allowed to stay until 485 is adjudicated" (meaning while using EAD)

    found on this URL:

    07-06 01:15 PM
    Forgot in a hurry, it is updated now

    ok this is from Oh's website..pelase always quote source.

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