Saturday, June 11, 2011

jessica alba fhm 2010

images Jessica Alba is still one jessica alba fhm 2010. Jessica Alba Harper#39;s Bazaar 4
  • Jessica Alba Harper#39;s Bazaar 4

  • man-woman-and-gc
    09-10 08:15 PM
    Well....what happened was in line with what USCIS has done in the past..Last year they made the PD's current and then made it unavailable...this year they jumped the PD by 2.5 years and so the next thing was obviously to retrogress it back by 1 year behind the original date...

    For the first time they have not surprised me !!!!!

    wallpaper Jessica Alba Harper#39;s Bazaar 4 jessica alba fhm 2010. Re: Jessica Alba Photoshoot
  • Re: Jessica Alba Photoshoot

  • sledge_hammer
    03-04 11:46 AM
    What is your rate and who is your lender?

    In my case; I was offered a refinancing rate that was 0.5% more than what I would pay if I were a GC holder. The reasoning is the short term validity of H1. Ironically I wasn't discriminated 3 years ago when I bought my house. At that time; I even didn't have my labor cert cleared. Now 3 years down the line; I have cleared first 2 stages and applied to I-485; bank charges me more :) Weird!!!!

    jessica alba fhm 2010. Jessica Alba Glamour 4
  • Jessica Alba Glamour 4

  • javadeveloper
    07-18 04:25 PM
    Hello All,

    Some food for thought.

    As I understand we (i.e IV) has 21000 members and 14000 active members. If even each active member contrubute $ 20 per month, that would be $ 420,000 per month or about $ 5 Mn per year.

    Imagine the miracles that we can do with that kind of fund!! And I am damn sure that we can afford $ 20 per month. Cost of few gallons of gas per month.

    Non contributing, active members! Please wake up atleast now and do some soul searching!!!

    I do agree , but I do not see any $20 contribution in google checkout or paypal.We have to mail the checks.I guess we can get more contributions if we include $25,$50,$75 contributions in google checkout as well as paypal.Correct me If I am missing some thing.

    2011 Re: Jessica Alba Photoshoot jessica alba fhm 2010. Jessica Alba Hates Her Saggy
  • Jessica Alba Hates Her Saggy

  • 485Mbe4001
    08-04 01:13 PM
    FYI ..sorry to be blunt...your profile contains significant factual errors, please correct those first...just trying to help you as you are trying to help us. together we shall overcome.:p

    Read in red above and comments on it below:
    1- You are telling the person writing visa bulletin that he does not do his job right.

    Sorry to be blunt, but I find this letter factually incorrect and lacks a purpose that will help us.


    jessica alba fhm 2010. Re: Jessica Alba Photoshoot
  • Re: Jessica Alba Photoshoot

  • petepatel
    09-12 03:50 PM
    I m in :)

    jessica alba fhm 2010. Jessica Alba has been voted as
  • Jessica Alba has been voted as

  • Milind123
    09-14 11:15 PM
    I got the following from the "Announcement: Bus Logistics from Tri State Area" thread.

    3. The ride may be free but it has cost us $2200 per bus so any contribution to IV is appreciated.

    Please don’t consider $100 is a small amount. In this double round of 21 shots we are going to cover almost the cost of this bus trip. Please consider pulling the trigger. We still need 3 sponsors to motive the two members who will contribute for the first time.
    Here is my shot to motivate one of you. And I am certain the next person will encourage two more sponsors to step up.

    $100 Order Details - Sep 14, 2007 11:32 PM EDT Google Order #761753817279939

    Added at 12:07 AM EST
    Its that time of the night where I am writing and reading my own posts. Good night Folks!


    jessica alba fhm 2010. Jessica Alba
  • Jessica Alba

  • saimrathi
    08-10 01:19 PM
    What are you smoking?? Its Aug 10 today..

    Diluted drinks wont help you - Have " straight up "...

    Its August 12th today and we are really screwed

    2010 Jessica Alba Glamour 4 jessica alba fhm 2010. Jessica Alba is still one
  • Jessica Alba is still one

  • pani_6
    12-16 11:06 AM
    we need to write to Sen Joe Lofgren now more than ever..she will try to push the legal bill..also we need to write to her to compensate for some of the waiting time that it gets counted for the least from when the I-485 was applied..I think we will see some sort of push for this only concern is that we again will get caight with the illegals and our issue will be pushed to the side

    Can some IV members in CA meet Sen Joe..?..and see what the Sen plans to do..

    time for some action now..


    jessica alba fhm 2010. Jessica Alba FHM Australia September 2010. « Previous PictureNext Picture »
  • Jessica Alba FHM Australia September 2010. « Previous PictureNext Picture »

  • Libra
    09-11 01:51 PM
    niraj1207, nat23, hemkant thank you all fo ryour contributions. hope you guys can make it to rally in DC.

    hair Jessica Alba Hates Her Saggy jessica alba fhm 2010. Jessica Alba FHM Germany
  • Jessica Alba FHM Germany

  • hpandey
    08-13 04:24 PM
    EB3 can only be helped when every one else is done.The way the preference categories are setup is that and the numerous cases from 2001 amnesty flooded the EB3 queue causing the retrogression. I don't suppose there can be any thing done to help EB3 specifically. We are at the bottom of the pile. If we have to be helped to get up, every one on top needs to be helped first.
    Unless the visa recapture happens, there is no hope. Folks with 2001/2002 PD , keep your spirits up. You are almost there.
    All others, if you can try EB2 porting, that's the way to go.

    EB3-I , May 2006
    Contributed 100$

    EB-3 won't need help when everyone else is done because the only people left to allocate visas would be EB-3 only . I guess we are just in for a long long wait.


    jessica alba fhm 2010. Jessica Alba in German FHM
  • Jessica Alba in German FHM

  • vkannan
    02-23 06:22 PM
    I just now talked to an IO and she said that last Friday the processing dates for NSC are all wrong and its a mistake. Those will be corrected soon in couple of days.

    here we go again....looks like USCIS never learns by their mistakes.........anyways I feel Processing dates does not matter anyways for USCIS to process the applications..........

    hot Re: Jessica Alba Photoshoot jessica alba fhm 2010. #6 Jessica Alba
  • #6 Jessica Alba

  • deeph
    07-18 07:20 PM
    Thanks to IV and all its memebers for their efforts. And congrates to all on their success.

    Now its time to strengthen IV. We have just contributed (one time contribution), will again do so in future. Also will try to get friends to contribute.


    house Jessica Alba for FHM Australia jessica alba fhm 2010. فرستاده شده: آگوست 15, 2010
  • فرستاده شده: آگوست 15, 2010

  • JunRN
    09-30 03:34 PM
    Don't expect anything from Nebraska Service Center today. Somebody from who live few minutes away from NSC said that the parking lot at NSC is empty today. Yesterday, she saw that it was full from 7 to 12 nn but was empty in the afternoon.

    What we can expect is only automatic LUDs. No overtime work for NSC. Have they used up all the FY2007 visas? They must have....if not, this fact can be used against them when we file a complain.

    tattoo Jessica Alba has been voted as jessica alba fhm 2010. Jessica Alba
  • Jessica Alba

  • Totoro
    05-02 09:44 AM
    Why is there so much discussion surrounding this stimulus package, I thought all of were highly skilled, high educated clique who made the big $$.
    I have seen numerous occasions where people boast of large pay packets, bill rates, and now this is a measly $1,200, an amount that could be made with working 2 days is generating such a huge discussion. This does not add up???

    This is not only about $$$, it is about discrimination. The Military families who are affected need this money more than we do, and I feel for them. However, what if next time they push through a law the prevents you from claiming any credits, no child tax credits, no mortgage credits, nothing. Then they add new "immigrant taxes", which in fact the ITIN rule already is. The only way to stop more legislation like this one is to stand up for our rights.

    Another reason to act on this matter is the SSN issue. I know I have come across several situations when my family members ran into difficulty because they don't have SSNs. This law could provide an opportunity for getting SSNs for family members.


    pictures Jessica Alba jessica alba fhm 2010. Jessica Alba - FHM Magazine (September 2010) Stills Gallery 311010
  • Jessica Alba - FHM Magazine (September 2010) Stills Gallery 311010

  • kicca
    12-28 09:37 AM
    filed with nebraska center 8/16/2007; receipt date 8/24/2007.
    i did receive my EAD, but no AP, yet....

    dresses #6 Jessica Alba jessica alba fhm 2010. January 27th, 2010 admin
  • January 27th, 2010 admin

  • caydee
    06-02 09:00 AM
    Hi All,
    I want to know if my 19 year old son can be affected by aging out.
    I have just received ALC certification and will now file I140 and I485 concurrently as my priority date NOV 22 2004 EB3 Rest of World will be current in June.
    Can someone who understands the aging out rules tell me if my son may have a problem?
    Thanks in advance...

    Based on the information provided, I believe your son will not be affected.

    Please help others who aren't so lucky by writing to senators and house representatives on the age-out issue. You could add this issue to IV's standard letter. None of the bills being considered currently benefit children of would-be legal immigrants, while the children of illegal immigrants are protected by the proposed DREAM ACT.

    Appreciate your contribution to IV.


    makeup Jessica Alba FHM Australia September 2010. « Previous PictureNext Picture » jessica alba fhm 2010. Jessica Alba for FHM Australia
  • Jessica Alba for FHM Australia

  • eb3_nepa
    07-14 10:18 PM
    Running total so far $608

    Good work. Let keep rolling.

    Hi gsc999,

    Any chance we can put this on the IV homepage itself? If this campaign has to succeed, it needs a 100% of the members to contribute, else the results will be extremely sorry.

    girlfriend Jessica Alba jessica alba fhm 2010. FHM Australia Calendar 2011
  • FHM Australia Calendar 2011

  • Jimi_Hendrix
    11-16 02:33 PM
    Let us keep working.

    hairstyles Jessica Alba in German FHM jessica alba fhm 2010. Actress Jessica Alba has long
  • Actress Jessica Alba has long

  • beppenyc
    03-16 10:15 AM
    Frist Sets Date for Immigration Debate

    ( - Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist said he will bring an immigration reform bill to the Senate floor later this month, something that will force debate on a guest worker program supported by some Republicans but opposed by others. The Judiciary Committee hasn't completed work on what it calls a "very complicated" bill: Critics oppose any moves to give temporary workers amnesty. The House passed an immigration bill last year that does not address the guest worker issue. Read News on the Web

    08-11 03:05 PM
    Looks like my employer will fill up the 7001 form but how about the main letter. Does that needs to be signed and addressed by employer as well ?

    Because the Link for 7001 doesn't talk about sending a separate cover letter.


    Wondering how many members who answered in the poll that they are victims of slow processing actually got to participate and join in this campaign. People who mailed out letters & DHS Form 7001, please post so that we can motivate others to join this campaign.

    02-09 03:26 PM
    Life is about compromise and you are right it is hurtful to the future of baby who don't realize what is going on. Baby really need both Mom and Dad, pls try to explain this to your wife.

    About cutting off with parents, she can chose not to talk to your parents and/or you can chose not to talk to her parents if things are not right. But forcing to breakup with own parents is utterly wrong and unacceptable. You can try to explain this to your wife.

    This is your side of story "She started harassing them too by saying something or other. " and you must remember there is something called postpartum depression which Indian parents in-laws don't understand when they come for their daughter-in-laws delivery. I have heard few other cases when things went really bad after delivery.

    Try to explain her that she and child are your first priority. I am sure you have tried to do this many times, try few times more. If talking results in a fight, try sending a long thoughtful email (make sure any of it can't be used against you if things still don't get better, probably you can use it in your favor if needed about the efforts you put in to improve). Before even thinking about divorce try to give life a 2nd chance and may be 3rd chance.

    I must say that it is hard to believe that in this whole thing you/your parents didn't do anything wrong and one fine day your wife went nuts. Try to analyze yourself too.

    These things are very depressing and sad and only the one who goes through it understands. Easier to give advice.

    I been a member of IV for a long time and just to keep myself anonymous for a while I created this account. I am so sorry for opening a thread in a completely irrelevant forum but I have no idea what to do. So, I request all the members to please help me by providing some kind of information.

    Here is my story:

    I came to US in 2002 and completed masters and been working since then. I got married couple of years ago. Whatever the monetary gifts the girls parents gave as part of the marriage, I put all that in an account on the girls name within 2 days of the marriage. We came to India and from then on the problems started. She and her parents want me to separate from my parents and support their family by sending money to their parents which I couldn't do. How can I leave my parents in their old age when they worked very hard to give a decent life. She has been harassing me mentally for this all the time. Recently her parents have been threatening me saying they will file dowry case in India if I don't send money or cut myself off from my parents. I provided for the girl in all possible ways, even encouraged her to join school to get a masters degree which she stopped soon. We had a baby recently and my parents visited us to help us with the baby. She started harassing them too by saying something or other.

    I am very frustrated at this situation and I don't know what to do. I am on H1B and applied for 485 too. At times I feel like applying for divorce but when I think about my little baby I am not able to take that step. The house we currently live in, I bought long before the marriage. It came to a situation where we cannot live together. I cannot ask her to go out of the house because she doesn't have anywhere to go and with the baby even if she leaves, it will be very tough. I said I will leave the house and stay in a apartment for which she threatens to commit suicide. So, I don't know what to do. I am worried about my baby because between all this my baby's life will be spoiled and I don't want that. Can anyone please tell me what I can do in this matter?

    Thank you very much for taking time to read this.

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